Could you please explain
how the process works? What exactly do you do?
If a prisoner has valid
documents that support their claim of innocence, we will post them on the
web site for the world to see. After reviewing a case, if we conclude that
reasonable minds would not bring a conviction with the available evidence,
then we will post it.
Many times defense evidence
is witheld from the trial, witness are treatened to lie, or the prosecutor
confuses the jury so they miss the truth.
We offer a defense fund to
defer the cost of attorneys, an e-mail address, and color flyers that can
be mailed out by the inmate or distributed by the inmate's family. Inmates
can use these tools to communicate to others much more easily.
It is our hope that by exposing
the hidden truths in these cases, we will raise public awareness of what
really happens in the judicial system, so that people who have the means
and ability to bring change in our government will be provoked to act.
We operate this web site, and let innocent prisoners know that they are
not alone, and not without hope.
By speaking the truth, we
put pressure on those in public office to obey the U.S. and State Constitution,
and laws, to help bring accountability. If we do not speak up, and do nothing,
we can be sure that there will be no changes in the judicial system.
If we expect to see changes in our government, we must let them know that
we will not tolerate illegal and unconstitutional processes. See
our Mission
My friend has been in
prison for 7 years. Does this make a difference in handling the matter?
Not to us! If you
did not commit the crime, you are still just as innocent of it as you were
before. It is only state laws that put limitations on time, allowing governments
to ignore the truth and let real criminals go free, neglecting their responsibility
for truth and justice.
Do you work with prisoners
outside of the State of Ohio?
We certainly do. This organization
is located in Ohio, and these are the cases we hear about most.
Are you lawyers?
We are not lawyers, and
we don't play them on TV. We have no attorneys or private investigators
on staff at this time. We are computer specialists who have not allowed
this society to squeeze us into their mold. We are concerned citizens who
realize that this judicial system has become perversely corrupt, and all
citizens are at risk of being their prey.
Is getting this word out
going to help you in any way?
Absolutely! The more we
bring attention to these injustices and this web site, the sooner the news
media will have to pay us some attention as well, and eventually, these
governments. If the public taxpayers realized that they were funding a
socialist government under the guise of democracy, there would be a revolution,
once again. Every one of these prisoners is counting on you to tell everyone
about this web site.
By publicizing this on
the Internet, does it draw attorneys, other advocates for prisoners, etc.,
to respond and get involved? Is this how it works?
Yes, basically. Many people
who are involved in civil rights causes have contacted us so that they
can help. However, an attorney cannot take a case just because he/she knows
about it. They must be presented with a case by someone in order to work
on it. Still, you just never know who might be compelled to help.
I noticed that you have
scriptures on your site. Are you a Christian organization?
Yes we are! In fact,
this organization would not be here if it were not for the compassion,
mercy, forgiveness, and standards of truth and justice that Jesus has invested
into our own hearts. We believe that prayer changes things, and that God
specializes in impossible situations.
Who is receiving this
All E-mail comes to the
IIAO, and is automatically sorted into folders for each prisoner. We print
them and send them out with our mail. This provides a quick and easy
way for you to send them information, encouragement, and questions without
having to write it down on paper. Prisoners do not have access to computers.
They will have to respond to you through regular U.S. Mail. We will not
attempt to contact you unless you specifically ask us to. We consider all
communication to be private, and will never give your E-Mail address to
If you have other questions
about the IIAO, please E-Mail